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What is it about that first harvest of the season that makes it so special? Is it the bright new colors that suddenly start adorning the plants that scream 'Check me out!'?   Is it the feeling of being rewarded for all your hard work?  What was especially memorable for me this year was that this year's first big harvest came right around the time of the Jay's Potato Chip founder, Mr. Japp, passing away.   I've always been a big fan of Jay's products – from popcorn to tortilla chips – and I've always found their story as a food processing success  fascinating.  Did you know that Jay's used to be called Japp's, after the family's name, and that they had to change the name during World War II because no one wanted to buy Japp's Chips?  Never let it be said that Jimmy doesn't offer up some intriguing food industry trivia every now and then.  The picture below has Yellow Jamaican Scotch Bonnets, Yellow Peru, Tequila Sunrise, Criolla Sella, Laotian, Barbados, and Louisiana Hot Chiles in it, along with some Principe de Borghese tomatoes, Peach tomatoes, etc.

Jimmy at Garfield Farm’s Heirloom Show, August 2000:



The Onda bottles were particularly popular this year at my table.  It didn’t matter what was in the bottles.  After I use the hot sauce, I wash it out and fill it up with something else, whether it’s craft seashells, pasta, dried mint, coriander, dried mulberries, sea salt, etc.  The visual effect of several Onda bottles together with varied contents is striking.,

If you haven’t been out to Garfield Far Museum yet and you’re in the area, what are you waiting for?  They have numerous events throughout the year in addition to the Heirlook Show in last August.  It’s a neat cruise out to the country.  Following are some pictures from the Farm, including a turkey and her chick – it’s a little hard to see.



© 2015 JIMMY'S CHILES. All rights reserved.

Includes all content and photos.

Last Updated:  Sept-2000